回收站 - [译] QUIC Wire Layout Specification - Life of a QUIC Connection | QUIC协议标准中文翻译(3) QUIC连接的生命周期


  • Connection Establishment | 连接建立
  • Data Transfer | 数据传输
    • Life of a QUIC Stream | QUIC流的生命周期
  • Connection Termination | 连接关闭

Life of a QUIC Connection | QUIC连接的生命周期

Connection Establishment | 连接建立

A QUIC client is the endpoint that initiates a connection. QUIC’s connection establishment intertwines version negotiation with the crypto and transport handshakes to reduce connection establishment latency. We first describe version negotiation below.


Each of the initial packets sent from the client to the server must set the version flag, and must specify the version of the protocol being used. Every packet sent by the client must have the version flag on, until it receives a packet from the server with the version flag off. After the server receives the first packet from the client with the version flag off, it must ignore any (possibly delayed) packets with the version flag on.


When the server receives a packet with a Connection ID for a new connection, it will compare the client’s version to the versions it supports. If the client’s version is acceptable to the server, the server will use this protocol version for the lifetime of the connection. In this case, all packets sent by the server will have the version flag off.


If the client’s version is not acceptable to the server, a 1-RTT delay will be incurred. The server will send a Version Negotiation Packet to the client. This packet will have the version flag set and will include the server’s set of supported versions.


When the client receives a Version Negotiation Packet from the server, it will select an acceptable protocol version and resend all packets using this version. These packet must continue to have the version flag set and must include the new negotiated protocol version. Eventually, the client receives the first Regular Packet (i.e. not a Version Negotiation Packet) from the server indicating the end of version negotiation, and the client now sends all subsequent packets with the version flag off.


In order to avoid downgrade attacks, the version of the protocol that the client specified in the first packet and the set of versions supported by the server must be included in the crypto handshake data. The client needs to verify that the server’s version list from the handshake matches the list of versions in the Version Negotiation Packet. The server needs to verify that the client’s version from the handshake represents a version of the protocol that it does not actually support.


The rest of the connection establishment is described in the handshake document [QUIC-CRYPTO]. The crypto handshake is performed over the dedicated crypto stream (Stream ID 1).


During connection establishment, the handshake must negotiate various transport parameters. The currently defined transport parameters are described later in the document.


Data Transfer | 数据传输

QUIC implements connection reliability, congestion control, and flow control. QUIC flow control closely follows HTTP/2’s flow control. QUIC reliability and congestion control are described in an accompanying document. A QUIC connection uses a single packet sequence number space for shared congestion control and loss recovery across the connection.


All data transferred in a QUIC connection, including the crypto handshake, is sent as data inside streams, but the ACKs acknowledge QUIC Packets.


This section conceptually describes the use of streams for data transfer within a QUIC connection. The various frames that are mentioned in this section are described in the section on Frame Types and Formats.


Life of a QUIC Stream | QUIC流的生命周期

Streams are independent sequences of bi-directional data cut into stream frames. Streams can be created either by the client or the server, can concurrently send data interleaved with other streams, and can be cancelled. QUIC’s stream lifetime is modeled closely after HTTP/2’s [RFC7540].
(HTTP/2’s usage of QUIC streams is described in more detail later in the document.)


Stream creation is done implicitly, by sending a STREAM frame for a given stream. To avoid stream ID collision, the Stream-ID must be even if the server initiates the stream, and odd if the client initiates the stream. 0 is not a valid Stream-ID. Stream 1 is reserved for the crypto handshake, which should be the first client-initiated stream. When using HTTP/2 over QUIC, Stream 3 is reserved for transmitting compressed headers for all other streams, ensuring reliable in-order delivery and processing of headers.

流的创建是通过在指定流上发送一个流类型帧隐式完成的。为了防止流ID碰撞,服务端初始化的流的流ID必须是偶数,客户端初始化的流的流ID必须是奇数。0不是一个可用的流ID。流ID为1保留用于加密握手,应该是第一个客户端初始化的流。如果使用HTTP/2 over QUIC,流 3保留用于传输所有其它流的压缩头部,保证头部按顺序传输和处理。

Stream-IDs from each side of the connection must increase monotonically as new streams are created. E.g. Stream 2 may be created after stream 3, but stream 7 must not be created after stream 9. The peer may receive streams out of order. For example, if a server receives packet 10 including frames for stream 9 before it receives packet 9 including frames for stream 7, it should handle this gracefully.


If the endpoint receiving a STREAM frame does not want to accept the stream, it can immediately respond with a RST_STREAM frame (described below). Note, however, that the initiating endpoint may have already sent data on the stream as well; this data must be ignored.


Once a stream is created, it can be used to send and receive data. This means that a series of stream frames can be sent by a QUIC endpoint on a stream until the stream is terminated in that direction.


Either QUIC endpoint can terminate a stream normally. There are three ways that streams can be terminated:


  1. Normal termination: Since streams are bidirectional, streams can be “half-closed” or “closed”. When one side of the stream sends a frame with the FIN bit set to true, the stream is considered to be “half-closed” in that direction. A FIN indicates that no further data will be sent from the sender of the FIN on this stream. When a QUIC endpoint has both sent and received a FIN, the endpoint considers the stream to be “closed”. While the FIN should be sent with the last user data for a stream, the FIN bit can be sent on an empty stream frame following the last data on the stream.
  2. Abrupt termination: Either the client or server can send a RST_STREAM frame for a stream at any time. A RST_STREAM frame contains an error code to indicate the reason for failure (error codes are listed later in the document.) When a RST_STREAM frame is sent from the stream originator, it indicates a failure to complete the stream and that no further data will be sent on the stream. When a RST_STREAM frame is sent from the stream receiver, the sender, upon receipt, should stop sending any data on the stream. The stream receiver should be aware that there is a race between data already in transit from the sender and the time the RST_STREAM frame is received. In order to ensure that the connection-level flow control is correctly accounted, even if a RST_STREAM frame is received, a sender needs to ensure that either: the FIN and all bytes in the stream are received by the peer or a RST_STREAM frame is received by the peer. This also means that the sender of a RST_STREAM frame needs to continue responding to incoming STREAM_FRAMEs on this stream with the appropriate WINDOW_UPDATEs to ensure that the sender does not get flow control blocked attempting to deliver the FIN.
  3. Streams are also terminated when the connection is terminated, as described in the next section.
  1. 正常关闭: 由于流是双工的,所以流可以半关闭或者全关闭。当流的一端发送了一个FIN标志为1的帧,流在这个方向进入半关闭状态。FIN表示流上发送FIN的一方没有更多数据要发送了。如果QUIC端既发送了FIN又接收了FIN,那么这个流被认为全关闭状态。FIN应该在发送完流上的用户数据后发送,FIN标志可以用一个空帧发送。
  2. 强制关闭: 客户端和服务端都可以在任意时刻发送RST_STREAM帧。一个RST_STREAM帧包含了一个标识失败原因的错误码(错误码列表在文档后续部分展示)。如果是流发起者发送RST_STREAM帧,表示流发生了失败并且没有更多数据在流上发送。当流接收者发送RST_STREAM,那么发送端应该停止在这条流上发送任何数据。流接收端应该注意这里有一个竞态条件,在发送端已经发送了的数据和RST_STREAM帧被接收到的时间之间。为了确保连接级别的流量控制被正确统计,即使发送端已经收到了RST_STREAM,发送端还必须确保流上的FIN和所有数据被对端接收了或者RST_STREAM已经被对端发送了。这也意味着RST_STREAM的发送者需要对这条流上的流类型帧保持回复(根据WINDOW_UPDATE)来确保发送端不会被流量控制所阻塞而触发发送FIN。
  3. 连接关闭时,流也会被关闭,就像下面这部分描述的。

Connection Termination | 连接关闭

Connections should remain open until they become idle for a pre-negotiated period of time. When a server decides to terminate an idle connection, it should not notify the client to avoid waking up the radio on mobile devices. A QUIC connection, once established, can be terminated in one of two ways:


  1. Explicit Shutdown: An endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame to the peer initiating a connection termination. An endpoint may send a GOAWAY frame to the peer prior to a CONNECTION_CLOSE to indicate that the connection will soon be terminated. A GOAWAY frame when sent signals to the peer that any active streams will continue to be processed, but the sender of the GOAWAY will not initiate any additional streams and will not accept any new incoming streams. On termination of the active streams, a CONNECTION_CLOSE may be sent. If an endpoint sends a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame while unterminated streams are active (no FIN bit or RST_STREAM frames have been sent or received for one or more streams), then the peer must assume that the streams were incomplete and were abnormally terminated.
  2. Implicit Shutdown: The default idle timeout for a QUIC connection is 30 seconds, and is a required parameter(“ICSL”) in connection negotiation. The maximum is 10 minutes. If there is no network activity for the duration of the idle timeout, the connection is closed. By default a CONNECTION_CLOSE frame will be sent. A silent close option can be enabled when it is expensive to send an explicit close, such as mobile networks that must wake up the radio.
  1. 显式关闭: 一端发送一个CONNECTION_CLOSE帧给对端标识一个连接的关闭。在发送CONNECTION_CLOSE之前可能发送GOAWAY帧来标识这个连接很快会被关闭。发送一个GOAWAY帧用于通知对端目前所有活跃的流会继续工作,但是GOAWAY的发送者不会再初始化任何其他的流并且不会再接收新的流。在活跃的流关闭时,可能会发送CONNECTION_CLOSE。如果一端发送了CONNECTION_CLOSE而还有未关闭的流是活跃的(一个或多个流上没有FIN标志也没有RST_STREAM帧被发送或接收),那么对端必须假设这种流是不完整的并且被异常关闭了。
  2. 隐式关闭: QUIC连接的默认超时关闭时间是30秒,并且是在连接协商阶段的一个必须的参数(“ICSL”)。最大值是10分钟。如果在超时时间内没有网络活动,连接会被关闭。默认会发送一个CONNECTION_CLOSE帧。在发送显式关闭代价太大的情况下(比如说移动网络)可以开启静音关闭选项。

An endpoint may also send a PUBLIC_RESET packet at any time during the connection to abruptly terminate an active connection. A PUBLIC_RESET is the QUIC equivalent of a TCP RST.



QUIC Wire Layout Specification - Google 文档

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